This is what makes the emergence of the view the view that to start a business must have a large capital and forget about other technical skills that are actually very necessary!
Many new companies that later failed because they focused only how to raise capital but not matched by their ability to use their capital. In fact, business ideas and the people chosen are correct.
Facts prove, most successful entrepreneurs starting their own business by way of business (self employee) or a small business and then eventually become a business owner, is a business that can be abandoned at any time but is still running because the system runs with the growing solid.
It can be seen at IBM who founded Tom Watson, Sr. and his son Tom Watson, Jr. and MICROSOFT by Bill Gates who started his business from his garage, Liem Sioe Long (owner of the Salim Group). Yes, they started from a small business!
So why do we imitate it?, because the principle of starting a small business is a start that can be run part-time or invest more time than money. In essence, you have to engage much with your business!
The work that you can still do yourself, do not fully handed over to someone else. You can also share their capital with your colleagues, to minimize possible losses.
Good luck!
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